
Got a question about The Big Waste of Space or about something you read on it? I may have an answer for you. And it may be listed on this page.
If you still can't find what you're looking for, feel free to e-mail me. But please read this FAQ first.
Q: Can you tell me where such-and-such location is from such-and-such movie?
A: Probably not. I love finding and visiting movie locations, but I don't have an archive of every obscure filming location that ever made it to the screen.
I recommend a book called The Ultimate Hollywood Tour Book by William A. Gordon. Also, Google is an excellent tool. You might also try looking up your movie or TV show at the Internet Movie Database, then selecting "Filming Locations" on the left. Odds are, using a combination of those resources is exactly how I would find your location.
Q: I'd like to use one of the pictures from your Photologue on my Web site. Is that OK?
A: Usually, it's no problem. But I do insist that you ask first.
Q: Can you please e-mail me such-and-such picture from your site?
A: Why? You can see it right there on my site, can't you? What's the problem? If you're wanting to e-mail one of my pictures to someone else, just send them the link to the page it's on. That way I get the traffic and the credit for the photo, and my having created the Web site will not have been in vain.
Q: When will you update such-and-such page? Can you e-mail me when it changes?
A: I know I've got a lot of updating to do. Unfortunately, I've decided I need to eat and make car payments, so most of my time goes into the horrid task of making a living. I haven't given up on the site, though, so I will hopefully be returning in the near future to whichever page you're concerned about.
As for e-mailing you when it's done, yes I can. But not individually. Please sign up for the newsletter if you'd like to receive update notices.
Q: Can you tell me how to get in touch with such-and-such celebrity featured on your Photologue Celebrities page?
A: I honestly can't fathom why people would ask me if I can have some celebrity I met once sign a photo for them or schedule said celebrity for their event. (Yes, it happens a lot.)
I have no idea how to get in touch with anyone famous that I've met. I'm just a fan like you who has been lucky enough — or is some cases, unlucky enough — to come in contact with some of my favorite celebrities. You might, however, try calling the Screen Actors Guild and asking for Contact Services. They may be able to help you get in touch with your chosen celebrity's agent or fan club.
Q: Can you please give me the floor plans to such-and-such famous house that appears on your site?
A: What I can fathom even less is how someone would think I have access to such information. (And yes, I do receive this question fairly often.)
Q: Can you tell me the phone number to such-and-such place?
A: As for places, try a phone book. Or call information. Maybe even AnyWho. That's how I would find it. Why e-mail me so I can look it up, when you can just cut out the middleman and look it up yourself?
Q: What is the address to such-and-such place featured in the Photologue? Can you give me directions?
A: All addresses to the places I've visited should be listed at the top of the page. If there's no address, then I'm afraid I don't have one or I was asked not to list it. As for directions, try using MapQuest odds are, that's how I found it.
Q: Can you tell me the days and times that such-and-such place is open and what the admission price is, if any?
A: I'm sorry, I'm not able to provide schedules or admission prices for any place featured in the Photologue. It would be impossible for me to keep track of all the up-to-date information. Your best bet is to find the official Web site or the phone number for any attraction in which you're interested. This goes for events, too. I don't know when the next one will be held. Again, Google is a great tool. If you're really stuck, try calling the chamber of commerce for the city in which the attraction is located.
Q: I have a picture of a cool place I think you'd like, can I send it to you?
A: Unfortunately, I'm not able to accept submissions. (Unless it's in Texas, then head over to Texas Twisted, where I'm hoping to add a page of visitors' travel photos!)
Q: I'm trying to put a Web site together. Is there any advice you can give me?
A: There are three things I'd like you to remember:
No music. It's just obnoxious.
Don't steal things — graphics or content — from other sites. Designers put a lot of work into what they create and, if nothing else, it's just not polite to use it without asking.
Host your site with DreamHost. They offer great prices, have an excellent control panel for customizing your site and provide super customer service. And if you would be so kind, enter bigwaste as the user who referred you when you sign up; I get a small discount when you do. (This site drains money from my pocket and you've been enjoying it for free this whole time, haven't you, you mooch?) Thanks!
For anything else, head over to the Gurus Network. Great bunch of guys there who know a lot of stuff.
Q: Why are there six different home pages?
A: Lighten up, it's fun.
Q: What is The Big Waste of Space and why is it a big waste of space?
A: The Big Waste of Space is my personal obsession. It began somewhere around 1994, housed on a university-provided account and took up most of the time that I should have used for studying. Its original form was simply that of eye candy. It didn't really do anything; it was just there to amuse me. Thus, "The Big Waste of Space." But, ideas sprouted and content expanded and the site has become what you see today. The name, however, has remained the same and I believe it still applies, given the trivial nature of most of the what's featured here.
And to the occasional idiots who write me to say, "Such-and-such isn't a big waste of space! Your stupid!" — the title bar that bears the words "The Big Waste of Space" refers to the Web site, not the particular place I wrote about in the Photologue, which is just a small part of the whole site. And by the way, the word is spelled "you're."
Q: But, why are there six different home pages?
A: (I bet you could hold a roll of quarters up there...) Well, as I explained above, The Big Waste of Space originated as eye candy. The six different home pages hold that tradition. Plus, they still give me a place to experiment with graphical interfaces when I'm bored. Besides, everyone deserves a little variety in life.
Q: Are these questions really asked frequently?
A: All the time.
Q: Where did you learn to do this?
A: Make Web sites? Honestly, I can't remember. I first started playing with graphics back when my dad got his first CD-ROM drive and it came with a trial version of Aldus Photostyler on disc. Aldus was purchased years ago by Adobe, and as I was a registered user of Photostyler, they offered me a great deal on their competing product, Photoshop. I haven't missed a version since. If you're interested in learning a few graphic techniques, check out Doc Ozone's tutorials. That's where I learned a lot of great stuff.
As for learning HTML, I code it all by hand, but I really can't remember what my first source for learning it was. I'll let you know as soon as I remember.
Q: Why do you do this?
A: Why do anything? Why make six different home pages?
Q: I'm asking the questions.
Q: Who are you?
A: My name is Wes not Simon, not Bigwaste, not Eli (I don't know where one of you got Eli). I'm just someone who enjoys creating and writing for the Web.
Q: Are you insane?
A: Only if you don't exist.