Jack in the Box Inc.
9330 Balboa Ave.
San Diego, CA
Dear Jack (in the Box),
I just saw your television commercial with the guy who wrote the annoying letter. I'm not sure if it was a real letter, but boy what a jerk. You sure told him off! I hope my letter is received in a more welcoming manner. Though, I regret to say I have two complaints.
First, I've been studying to be a copy editor for a couple of months now - that's the guy who makes sure all of the spelling is right in a book - and something bothers me about your catch phrase. You say "We don't make it 'til you order it." That's a good thing, but I felt someone should tell you that 'til is not a word. It is spelled "till." It isn't short for "until" and according to my new dictionary, it even existed before the word "until."
I know you've had a lot of bags printed up with the typo, but I'm sure that you will do the write thing and make this correction. A lot of kids eat at Jack in the Box and they might learn the wrong thing.
Second, I took the day off from work today thanks to an unfortunate spring-time cold and I thought I would make myself feel better with a visit to Jack in the Box for a spicy chicken sandwich. When I got home, I happened to read my receipt while I was eating. (It was on top of the napkins and there was nothing on TV.) To my surprise, it looks like I was overcharged! The drive-through menu says a Number Four is $4.39. My receipt says I paid $3.50 for the sandwich and fries and $1.09 for the soda. Both of my calculators say that adds up to $4.59! That's 20 cents more than advertised. (That part I can even do in my head!) I don't know how many times I've paid that much - although my collection of antenna balls says I've been there a lot - but even once is too much. I've included the receipt for you to see for yourself.
![[Receipt]](til_receipt.gif) |
Waiting till you write back,

Simon Presley