55 Central Park West
New York, NY |
Next on our list was the residence of Dana Barrett, the cello-playing love interest of Bill Murray, as played by Sigourney Weaver. You may remember this to be the location of the climax of the film, where our heroes battle the beloved Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
This 1929, Art-Deco apartment building looks pretty much as it does in the film, although it isn't nearly as tall. They really stretch it in the film. Still pretty scary though. That is, of course, except for the banner hanging from it, advertising Garth Brooks's upcoming concert in Central Park.
Well, I dunno. I guess that's still pretty frightening.
We were surprised, however, to find the cinematically-correct church next door as it should be. We had assumed that was just the magic of editing.
And, by the way, if you don't remember the church, it's the one Mr. Stay-Puft crushes with his foot.
Other locations nearby which I neglected to document:
Tavern on the Green (across the street and north), to which Rick Moranis is chased by that big scary dog creature.
Lincoln Center (140 W. 65th St) where Bill Murray talks with Sigourney Weaver near the large, round fountain. Remember the spinning roller-skater? This is the same fountain Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel dance around in Mel Brooks's The Producers.