James Doohan

North Hollywood, CA
Even those who were never big fans of "Star Trek," or who have never really even watched the show or the movies, know about James Doohan. And if they don't recall him by his real name, they'll surely know him by his most famous of characters, Scotty.
Since his introduction as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott in the 1960s, Scotty has remained, even to today, many fans' favorite character from the world of "Star Trek." Even during a guest appearance on "Star Trek: The Next Generation," he was able to upstage the widely beloved Data (played by Brent Spiner who, incidentally, I ran into once in New York, but with whom I was unable to get a picture...yeah, OK, now I'm just name-dropping).
Although I was a little nervous meeting James Doohan in person, he proved to be a very open and warm-hearted man, quite eager to share a moment with an admiring fan. I was relieved to learn that he was so friendly, after having been jaded by a discouraging encounter with his "Star Trek" colleague William Shatner. Regrettably, I even passed up the chance to meet Leonard "Mr. Spock" Nimoy once, having been convinced by the Shatner incident that all "Star Trek" legends were probably not worth the effort. But, Scotty proved me wrong.
And if you have no interest in "Star Trek" or its progeny, you might still be impressed by a more recent Doohan accomplishment. In April of 2000, he became a father once again, at the age of 80. I'd say that's deserves more than a little respect, and perhaps even a touch of awe.