All of the free textures available here may be used in any non-commercial project.* If you would like to use any of these images in a commercial project, please e-mail me.
*You may not, however, use them in your own online texture collection.

These textures have endless uses! Here are a few examples:
- Backgrounds for Web pages.
- Wallpaper for your desktop.
- Fills for text effects.
- Surfaces for customized video-game modules.
- Textures for 3-D models.
- Bump maps for 3-D surfaces.
If you find any of these textures useful, please let me know. I'd love to hear what use you've found for them!
Note: Please do not link to files on this server. Download your desired image first and place it on your own server. That way, you won't use my bandwidth and you can be sure that your image will display even if I move or delete it.