There are way too many rant pages on the Internet!
But of course, I wouldn't be able to rant about that unless I had my own. Consider it a sinkhole for my anger.
And since I can't be bitter all the time, I'll pepper these pages with a few odd things I notice in life, too.
Biased Observations and Obligatory Rants
A Presentation of The Big Waste of Space Wanna see more?
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Until Further Notice Sorry, fans. I've decided that I need to concentrate more time on other things, most notably my new site Texas Twisted.

Therefore, Biased Observations and Obligatory Rants is retired, at least for the time being.

Perhaps one of these days, my endless pet peeves will build up enough pressure that I'll need to reopen these files. Until then, you can complain about it here.

Read Previous Months
Wanna see more? A Presentation of The Big Waste of Space